Breakfast: smoothie – kale, spinach, blueberries, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp coconut oil; 1/2 can wild caught sardines Snack: raw carrots and snap peas, 1/2 banana Lunch: leftover roasted chicken, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, olives, sauerkraut, kombucha Snack: seaweed, more …

Road Trip Food – This Is How We Do It
Props to the 90s enthusiasts who are now all singing Montell Jordan. Confused? Let’s move on: If we’re on the road for a 12 hour day, here’s a quick and dirty list of what we pack to eat. This is assuming we’re going to …

How We Travel
I’ve encountered a number of traveling families who bounce around quite a bit and cover ground really quickly. That’s cool and all, but it’s not for us. We did a long Europe trip in the fall of 2015 and hit …

What We Eat
I’ve had a crazy go of it health-wise the last 6 years. If you want to dive in to that, I wrote a detailed post about it here. I’ve tried numerous ways of eating and what I’m doing now has …

Educating Kyle
We are raising Kyle to be a kind, loving, compassionate, self-disciplined, well-informed, humble yet bold, generous, considerate person. I hope he develops passions that lead to a satisfying career and life. I hope he enjoys his life and consciously makes …

Mountain Biking Boo Boo
We love biking. Last summer in Tahoe, Travis’ cousins were kind enough to loan us their bikes for a couple of weeks so we could check out some trails. Of course we fell in love with the sport and bought …

Amanda’s Epic Health Saga
My health took a nosedive when I was about 7 months pregnant in February 2011. Both sides of our family were going through major trauma and I absorbed the stress of those events like a sponge. I then had 22 …

Why are we traveling full-time?
Travis and I went to Costa Rica on a vacation in March of 2013. This was a dream come true for us. We actually toyed with the idea of moving to Costa Rica after college in 2008 to learn Spanish …

Rethinking Roles in Racism
I had a fundamental shift in my thinking tonight. I’ve been racking my brain, praying, and meditating about what we (as a family) should do about systemic racism. Maybe I’m late to the party here, but my perspective shifted when …

Quick Boise Review
Thoughts on Boise: + side: The people are incredibly friendly and helpful. I’ve yet to experience and exception. Greenbelt (25 mile paved riverside trail that runs right through the middle of town; Excellent library with huge kids’ section Nature preserve …