Rough Day in Boise: Attitude Adjustment – for me!

Our day was an emotional rollercoaster. Kyle and Travis were tired all day and I haven’t been sleeping stellar the whole time we’ve been here. That’s a sure-fire recipe for disaster. Kyle is really on edge as it is. We didn’t need to add tired in to the equation.  After Kyle’s first tantrum/meltdown/general inability to be a functioning person, we drove up to Bogus Basin (Boise’s skiing option). We spotted a deer, a mama Grouse with about 10 brand new chicks, at least 30 cyclists, some cool contemporary houses. The landscape here is arid and reminds me of Sedona. Once we reached about 5500 feet of elevation on the way up to Bogus did we start to see tall trees and something resembling forest. The ski resort was basic, but looked fun and family friendly.

This afternoon I did a mountain bike trail called Polecat Loop. It was exposed – only scrubby foliage and parts of the trail were right on the edge of the cliff. I enjoyed the challenge and really needed the personal break.

The fridge here doesn’t stay super cold and so our meat went bad, which sucked, and which we didn’t realize until 30 minutes before we needed to eat. We landed at Bittercreek Alehouse downtown. Delicious food, pastured meats, awesome waiter, patio seating, GF accommodating.

Now we’re home and Kyle is asleep and the house is quiet. I’m wrestling with myself to not take these days for granted. In so many ways I often want them to be over so I can go to sleep and we can all try again tomorrow. But i don’t know how many tomorrows I’m going to get – or my husband will get  – or God forbid, my son will get. One thing I do know, even if we do all live long and healthy lives, is that my 5 year old son won’t want to snuggle up next to me while we’re at a restaurant for much longer; he won’t want me to sit and read out loud to him forever; the time he has left in our household (and is truly present with us) is fleeting. I fear there will also be a time when he won’t want me to touch him, let alone scream “Mama!” and run into my arms every time we’ve been apart for more than 5 minutes.  I will have a hard time forgiving myself if I squander this precious time with him. Since we only get one go at this kid thing, I’d like to not royally screw it up.